Graham Guhl - OKC Criminal Defense Attorney and Counselor
Call Or Text: (405) 609-2929
Graham Guhl - OKC Criminal Defense Attorney and Counselor
Call Or Text: (405) 609-2929

Rape & Sexual Assault

Rape and sexual assault  both concern forcing an unwilling person or a minor to participate in or be involved in a sexual act.

First-degree rape is:

committed by a legal adult (older than 18)

  • to a person younger than 14
  • to a person incapable of giving legal consent
  • to a person who is intoxicated by a drug or similar agent
  • to a person who is unconscious

It is an act accomplished by force, violence and/or threats of force or violence. Rape utilizing an instrument is always considered first-degree rape in Oklahoma.

Second-degree rape is all other cases of forced sex.

Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual advances toward an unwilling person.

First-degree rape is a very serious offense and is punishable by death or at least five years in prison. Second-degree rape and other sexual assaults command less severe punishments but are still very serious offenses. You may be facing severe punishments in connection with the charges if convicted.

If you are facing a rape or sexual assault charge, you need to protect your rights and your freedoms. You need lawyers with experience in criminal defense trials such as the lawyers at Chavers & Guhl LLP. We can help you as you face the legal system with our expertise. Contact our defense attorneys today for your initial case evaluation.

Penalties for Rape

Definitions of Rape

Ph. (405) 609-2929
Fax (405) 605-8181