Graham Guhl - OKC Criminal Defense Attorney and Counselor
Call Or Text: (405) 609-2929
Graham Guhl - OKC Criminal Defense Attorney and Counselor
Call Or Text: (405) 609-2929

Drug Possession Attorneys

Excellent Drug Possession Defense Attorneys In Oklahoma.

If you’ve been charged with drug possession, possession with intent, or drug trafficking, you don’t have time to waste. If faced with these charges, you will need our OKC Drug Possession Attorneys. A conviction for possession of drugs can take years to remove from your record. If a potential employer or landlord runs a background check, you may lose out on opportunities because of a drug arrest or conviction.

Depending on whether the drugs were intended for sale or personal use and the amount confiscated the penalties may vary greatly. You need a great criminal defense team to fight for your rights. We may be able to work out a reduced charge or a plea that would work in your favor.

Contact the Oklahoma City law offices of Chavers & Guhl. We are former prosecutors with experience in more than 130 criminal jury trials and with more than three decades of legal experience. Our Oklahoma Lawyers will review your case with you and go to bat for you in court. Time is essential so contact us today and we can get started on helping you.

Ph. (405) 609-2929
Fax (405) 605-8181