Graham Guhl - OKC Criminal Defense Attorney and Counselor
Call Or Text: (405) 609-2929
Graham Guhl - OKC Criminal Defense Attorney and Counselor
Call Or Text: (405) 609-2929

Case Results

Our OKC Criminal Defense Attorney Is Ready To Get Your Case Excellent Results!

Our Oklahoma City Criminal Defense Attorney gets results! Get the criminal defense you need from our Oklahoma Law Firm! You can also see our great reviews on our reviews page!

CASE NAME: State vs. Watts
CHARGE: Driving Under the Influence
RESULT: Case Dismissed/Not Guilty

CASE NAME: State vs. Gunkel
CHARGE: Domestic Assault & Battery
RESULT: Case Dismissed

CASE NAME: Police Investigation
CHARGE: Enabling Child Abuse
RESULT: Case Dismissed/Not Guilty

CASE NAME: State vs. Lee
CHARGE: Driving Under the Influence
RESULT: Case Dismissed/Not Guilty

CASE NAME: Police Investigation State
CHARGE: Sexual Abuse of a Child
RESULT: Case Dismissed/Not Guilty

CASE NAME: State vs. Nichols
CHARGE: Bogus Check
RESULT: Case Dismissed/Not Guilty

CASE NAME: State vs. Mitchell
CHARGE: Burglary in the Second Degree
RESULT: Case Dismissed/Not Guilty

CASE NAME: State vs. Stampley
CHARGE: Assault with a Dangerous Weapon
RESULT: Case Dismissed/Not Guilty

CASE TYPE: Felony White Collar
ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 5 year deferred sentence
NEGOTIATED RESULT: Dismissed without costs

CASE TYPE: Felony Property Crime
ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 5 year deferred sentence
NEGOTIATED RESULT: Dismissed without costs

CASE TYPE: Felony Drug Crime/Felony Gun Crime
ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 15 years to do in prison
NEGOTIATED RESULT: 10 year suspended sentence with 6 months county jail time

ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 10 years to do in prison
NEGOTIATED RESULT: Out of custody diversion

CASE TYPE: Felony Burglary I
ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 5 years to do in prison
NEGOTIATED RESULT: Out of custody diversion then 7 year deferred sentence

CASE TYPE: Felony Drug Crime
ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 5 year deferred sentence
NEGOTIATED RESULT: 3 year deferred on misdemeanor

CASE TYPE: Felony Drug Crime
ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 5 year deferred sentence
NEGOTIATED RESULT: 3 year deferred on misdemeanor

CASE TYPE: Felony Drug Crime
ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 5 year deferred sentence
NEGOTIATED RESULT: 3 year deferred on misdemeanor

CASE TYPE: Felony Domestic Violence
ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 12 years to do in prison then 8 years on probation
NEGOTIATED RESULT: 10 year suspended sentence with 90 days to do in county jail

CASE TYPE: Felony Drug Crime
ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 6 years to do in prison then 4 years to do on probation
NEGOTIATED RESULT: Suspended sentence following drug treatment*

CASE TYPE: Felony Burglary II
ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 7 years to do in prison
NEGOTIATED RESULT: Suspended sentence following drug treatment*

CASE TYPE: Felony Drug Crime
ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 5 years to do in prison
NEGOTIATED RESULT: 10 year suspended sentence with first 6 months in county jail*

CASE TYPE: Felony Modification
ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION: 10 years to do (original sentence)
NEGOTIATED RESULT: Modified to 3 years in prison and 7 years on probation

The above information does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter. The results in these cases are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not a guarantee, promise or representation of similar results in pending or future litigation. The results in each case were dependent on the facts of each individual case, and the results in any case will vary based on different facts and law.

* Indicates clients have not yet entered a plea.

Ph. (405) 609-2929
Fax (405) 605-8181